Hi everyone mu name is Glenda Buitrago, I am 21 years old, I live with my brother, I am from Malambo-Atlantico, I am Colombian, I am studying a technical career in administrative management in Universidad Simon Bolivar-SENA, I am red long hair, I am small and slim.







My best friend’s name is Valentina she is 19 years old, She lives with her family, She is from Ponedera-Atlantico, She is Colombian, She is studying a technical career in administrative management in Univerdad Simon Bolivar-Sena, She is black long hair, she is slim and tall.







Maria is a good friend so I am going to talk about her.

She is 20 years old, she live with her family, she is from Barranquilla-Atlantico, she is studying a degree as a manager in UA, she is black short hair, she is small and a little bit heavy

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